Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama's Victory

November 7th

            As you all know, Obama has just won the 2012 election. This will be his second term in office and that's very historic for an African American president. He's the first African American president, and to stay for two terms in a huge accomplishment. 

           Barack Obama won Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire, Virginia and Wisconsin. It seemed as though there was no such thing as a battleground state because Obama won them all.

           At around 11:15 pm eastern time, most already knew that the president was re-elected. Drama was very high because the race was much tighter than in 2008.

                 Democrats remained control of the Senate, and Republicans kept majority in the House. Obama will continue to be challenged when he needs to pass a law or something just because of the House of Representatives controlling over it. 

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